Sunday, 6 June 2010

Out of a job!

Well comrades, that's it, I have handed over to new general secretary Sarah Woodvine and all that is left to do is help her get to grips with the role.

Throughout my year as gen sec I have placed my focus on two things that go hand in hand, union democracy and communicating that to students.

Whether it was blogging or live minutes from the final SGM being shown in JC's I have tried to get the hard the work that the union is doing out to students.

In truth I was barely able to scratch the surface of exciting new ways to communicate directly with our members but I hope I have got people thinking outside the box.

Campaigning for gen sec with housemates

As general secretary I also had to chair the officer responsibility group, which involves the unenviable task of collecting complaints about the sabbatical officers from any student. In hindsight I could have dealt with this responsibility better and perhaps the frankness of my report was not the best approach to take.

I wish I could continue the work I started as general secretary but I can't wait to get stuck into the role of education officer in earnest from July 1st and I have no doubt new general secretary, Sarah Woodvine, will do a great job and hopefully benefit from some of the lessons I have learnt this year.

For now, as a technically unemployed member of the students' union, I wish my sole regular reader of this blog, whoever you are and if you haven't given up reading it yet, a great summer.

Needless to say there is a more ambitious blogging project in the pipeline!


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